Friday, May 3, 2024

PODCAST: April-May 2024 Episode

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Welcome to the April-May 2024 episode of "Out ov the Coffin." I'll start with an apology for the time that lapsed between this episode and the last, during which I experienced a death in my immediate family. But, setting that aside as much as I can, I have returned with a show that shall not attempt to follow that theme or process such emotions through song selection, but focus instead on the escape that is the great dark music, new and old, that this show is about in the best of times.
The show opens with new music from Kælan Mikla & Bardi Johannsson, who have collaborated on a beautifully ethereal new soundtrack for the cult film, The Phantom Carriage. While not a traditional Kælan Mikla release, the band's darkwave sound is still part of the tapestry here, mixed with dark ambient textures and more distant vocals. As a bonus, the first talk break features a medley of the more instrumental pieces that make up a large portion of the album. 

The first full set begins with new music from France's Heimberg, whose Blind Eye EP evokes the sparse and shadowy post-punk and darkwave sounds of bands like Kill Shelter and Ritual Howls. From there, we hear the latest single from California's Our Frankenstein, who feature Psyclon Nine's Nero Bellum flexing his ability to also write post-punk for their new single, "Judas Dance." The ever-underrated (stateside, at lkeast) New Model Army appear next, with a selection from their debut full-length, 1984's Vengeance, in honor of its 40th anniversary this spring. Back to new music after that, with some debut darkwave/goth subtlety from Italy's They Die, taken from their new Black Magic album. A double shot of The Cure comes next, but not just because they're the best band ever. First, in honor of its 40th anniversary, we hear the title track from 1984's The Top, followed by their essential contribution to The Crow's soundtrack, "Burn," in honor of the original film's 30th anniversary this month as well. But why stop there? We then transition into some of Graeme Revell's original score for the film, including the thinly-veiled Joy Division tribute that is "Tracking the Prey," followed by a medley of other pieces under the subsequent talk break.

Set two dives in with some lively new darkwave/post-punk from Finland's Agnosia, who manage to seamlessly mix in some deathrock and goth elements as well, into their new EP, Kun maailma palaa (When the world burns). From there, we hear a pair of unrelated singles that felt right together in the floral section of my mind: A late-2023 entry from New Orleans romanti-goth act The Victoriana and UK "spywave" act Doviak. We then dive a track deeper into Topographies' new Interior Spring album, followed by a late entry into my Ukrainian post-punk collection, in the form of the title track from Tepla's 2022 album, Alive. Another pair of new singles close out the set, first from the Greek darkwave act Kalte Nacht, then a vampiric, more electronic-leaning entry from Urban Heat, who have been dropping hot new singles all year.

Set three swings us back towards deathrock territory, starting off with Vazum's latest single, "Breach," before saluting the 40th anniversary of Christian Death's criminally-underrated Catastrophe Ballet album with two tracks that form a sandwich around a 50th anniversary salute to the David Bowie classic Diamond Dogs. We then go deeper into the new She Reaches Out To She Reaches Out To She by Chelsea Wolfe, before dipping into the anniversary vaults again to salute Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds' Let Love In album on its 30th anniversary. Closing out the set, we have a pair of harder driving deathrock-leaning new songs, first from Denton, (Oh, Rocky!) Texas act Blood Bells, then a welcome new standalone single from the newly reVAMPed Calabrese, who have officially welcomed Argyle Goolsby (of Blitzkid fame) to their line-up as their new bass player.

We then set up shop in the dark metal territory, kicking off set four with new music from Ukraine's own Severoth, taken from their new album By The Way Of Light, before landing -- quite to my surprise -- right here in Nashville, for brand new music from local black metal act Saidan's forthcoming album, Visual Kill: The Blossoming of Psychotic Depravity. Color me surprised to see them corpse-painted across Nashville's skyline in the accompanying video clip. We then visit the anniversary vaults for one last time, to mark 30 years of the defining Mayhem album De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas. Returning to Ukraine for the third time this episode, we bask in more quality new black metal from SVRM, followed by some new ritual ambient/folk music from Sweden's Linnea Hjertén, all of which lead us to a closing track from the forthcoming Pallbearer album, Mind Burns Alive. The band will be on tour this summer, and I very much look forward to seeing them again.

In closing the show, I chose to merge a few tracks in annual memory of Rozz Williams (Christian Death, Shadow Project, etc.) and Ian Curtis (Joy Division) whose death anniversaries come up each April and May, respectively, so take a moment as we depart to absorb the union of the Rozz Williams classic "Dec. 30th 1334" as it leads us into his Gitane Demone collaboration on "Flowers," which finally segues into the Joy Division classic, "The Eternal."

All of that PLUS: New soundtrack work from Immaculate by Will Bates, and Dune: Part Two from Hans Zimmer; New Projekt Records dark ambient work from Chris Russell; and more!


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Format: Band Name - Song Title [Album Title, Year]
(each band name is also a website link)
(sets and talk breaks separated by dashes)

"Out ov the Coffin" w/ Ichabod
  April-May 2024 Episode
  Show recorded May 2nd-3rd, 2024

Opening Theme:
Elliot Goldenthal
- Libera Me ["Interview with the Vampire" (soundtrack) 1994]

Kælan Mikla & Bardi Johannsson - The Phantom Carriage  [The Phantom Carriage, 2024]
Kælan Mikla & Bardi Johannsson - The Grim Reaper / By Death’s Door  [The Phantom Carriage, 2024]
Heimberg - Crows  [Blind Eye EP, 2024]
Our Frankenstein - Judas Dance  [single, 2024]
New Model Army - Spirit of the Falklands  [Vengeance, 1984] 40th anniversary this April
They Die - Behind U  [Black Magic, 2024]
The Cure - The Top  [The Top, 1984] 40th anniversary in April
The Cure - Burn  [“The Crow” (soundtrack) 1994] 30th anniversary this May
Graeme Revell - Tracking the Prey (exc.)  [“The Crow” (score) 1994]
Graeme Revell - The Tides of Sin / Angels All Fire / A Vision From Hell  [“The Crow” (score) 1994]
Agnosia - Kyyneleet (“Tears”)  [Kun maailma palaa (When the world burns), 2024]
The Victoriana - These Sickly Flowers  [Violets of Your Neck b/w These Sickly Flowers, 2023]
Doviak - The Courtyard  [single, 2024]
Topographies - Cleanse  [Interior Spring, 2024]
Tepla - Alive  [Alive, 2022]
Kalte Nacht - The Last Breath  [single, 2024]
Urban Heat - Right Time of Night  [single, 2024]
Hans Zimmer - Resurrection / The Sietch / You Fought Well  [“Dune: Part Two” (soundtrack) 2024]
Vazum - Breach  [single, 2024]
Christian Death - The Blue Hour  [Catastrophe Ballet, 1984] 40th anniversary this year
David Bowie - We Are the Dead  [Diamond Dogs, 1974]
Christian Death - Electra Descending  [Catastrophe Ballet, 1984] 40th anniversary this year
Chelsea Wolfe - House of Self-Undoing  [She Reaches Out To She Reaches Out To She, 2024]
Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - I Let Love In  [Let Love In, 1994] 30th anniversary this April
Blood Bells - Holy Spirit (Communion)  [Now the Dawn, 2023]
Calabrese - No Return from Darkness  [single, 2024]
Will Bates - Red Veiled Nuns  [“Immaculate” (soundtrack) 2024]
Severoth - To the Stars!  [By The Way Of Light, 2024]
Saidan - Desecration of a Lustful Illusion  [Visual Kill: The Blossoming of Psychotic Depravity, 2024]  [N]
Mayhem - From the Dark Past  [De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas, 1994] 30th Anniversary this May
SVRM - Зловісне (“Zlovisne” / ominous)  [Є т​і​л​ь​к​и с​м​е​р​т​ь​, є т​і​л​ь​к​и т​ь​м​а (There is only death, there is only darkness), 2024]
Linnea Hjertén - Nio systrar  [Nio systrar, 2024]
Pallbearer - Endless Place  [Mind Burns Alive, 2024]
Chris Russell - The Grey Chamber  [Noir, 2024]
Rozz Williams - Dec. 30, 1334 (exc.)  [The Whorse's Mouth, 1996]
Rozz Williams & Gitane Demone - Flowers  [Dream Home Heartache, 1995]
Joy Division - The Eternal  [Closer, 1980]

[N] = Nashville (local) artist


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