Thursday, June 27, 2024

PODCAST: June 2024 Episode

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Welcome to the June 2024 episode of "Out ov the Coffin." In the space between this episode and the last, a flood of new releases washed up on these shores, so this show focuses largely on the latest singles from both legacy acts and newcomers alike -- with a few anniversary selections for good measure, of corpse.

We start from the top with the second single from
Nox Novacula's forthcoming album, Feed the Fire, which (so far) sees the band continuing to stick to their deathrock/goth-rock guns, at a time when many bands are running in the opposite direction. Catch them on tour across the northern half of the US this fall. 

The first full set set begins with the latest single from Athens, GA favorites, Vision Video. Never a band to shy away from vulnerability in their subject matter, "Stay" opens up about fighting the voices in your head that push us towards that one permanent solution to our many temporary problems. See the video here. From there, we mark two anniversaries. First, the 20th anniversary of
The Cure's self-titled 2004 album, from which the song "Lost" has always stood out for me. Then, a song to mark the 40th anniversary of Siouxsie & the Banshees' Hyæna album, which just so happened to feature Robert Smith on guitar! Back to the new music, we then hear from the (perhaps?) coiners of the 'deathgaze' term, Vazum, with a track from their new album, Western Violence, before hopping over to Ukraine for some new post-punk from ДК Енергетик (DK Energetyk). Lastly, we arrive at the latest single from Seraphim Shock, as heard at their recent live shows, the instantly catchy "Forever and Always."
Set two begins with a spotlight on an upcoming showcase that my own event, Fascination Street, is hosting with our friends in local industrial arts collective Trance//Furnace. On Friday, July 19th in Nashville, you'll have the chance to see Attic Eyes, the darkwave/goth act from Knoxville that I've been praising here since last fall, who begin this set with a deeper cut from their self-titled 2023 EP. They'll be sharing The East Room's stage with Atlanta deathrock newcomers Whiphouse, making their debut here with the closing track on their 2024 demo, and Spectral Body (whom we heard a couple of episodes ago). Details on that show are here.

The set continues by marking one more 40th anniversary, this time for
Xmal Deutschland's second album, Tocsin, before returning to the well of new music with something from Rosegarden Funeral Party's latest full-length, From the Ashes. We then hear returning singles from Minnesota's long-running goth act Autumn, and one of the original '80s goth outfits, The March Violets, as they return to both the stage and screen with "Hammer the Last Nail." Closing this set is Italy's Date At Midnight, who have really captured my ears lately with the driving deathrock/goth of title track from 2024's Another Grace
Set three comes to life with one of my favorite tracks from the new Astari Nite LP, Resolution of Happiness, which sees the band branching out from darkwave into multiple new sonic territories ('90s alternative, Britpop, turn-of-the-century Bowie), yet making them all work together. From there, we flip the new Clan of Xymox single over and enjoy its EP-exclusive b-side first, before returning to Ukraine (of which Xymox is fond of singing) for some more new post-punk, this time from С​к​у​б​у​т (Skubut). Sliding into darkwave territory for a couple of songs, we hear the latest single (and video) from Oklahoma's Esoterik, then switch gears to Greece for something new from Grey Gallows. Finally, the set concludes with a welcome new version of an older track from Georgia's Entertainment, who have grafted a new vocal and a more club-friendly beat onto their classic "Flesh."
Set four would usually mark the transition to dark metal, but this one begins with one foot still in post-punk, in order to spotlight an interesting show that's coming up soon in Nashville. Two post-punk acts teaming up with a black metal band? Seems unlikely, but I am fully on board. L.A. post-punks Deceits begin the set, with the title track from last year's If There's No Heaven​.​.​., followed by a song from late-2023's Die Cry Hate EP by self-described "K-Goth" newcomers Past Self, which finally yields to a deeper cut from Nashville act Saidan's new black metal (with flourishes of J-rock and other styles) album, Visual Kill: The Blossoming of Psychotic Depravity. All three will perform at the Cobra, Nashville on July 9th. From there, we delve further into '90s-style dark metal, as expected, with new music from Sweden's Greve, taken from their split with Häxanu, entitled Naturmystik, That's followed by a vault-dwelling 25th anniversary classic from Hypocrisy's 1999 self-titled album -- which really began with a bang, if you ask me.

After coating the talk break with a mostly-instrumental track from the last 
Wolves in the Throne Room EP, the show closes with a deeper cut into the new Severoth album, By The Way Of Light. A 14-minute symphonic black metal number to send you off into the night.

All of that PLUS: New soundtrack work from Peter Raeburn's "Handling the Undead" and
Mark Korven
's "The First Omen"; a further taste of Kælan Mikla & Bardi Johannsson's collaboration on The Phantom Carriage; ambient tracks from the bands who usually make us dance; and more!


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Format: Band Name - Song Title [Album Title, Year]
(each band name is also a website link)
(sets and talk breaks separated by dashes)

"Out ov the Coffin" w/ Ichabod
  June 2024 Episode
  Show recorded June 26th, 2024

Opening Theme:
Elliot Goldenthal
- Libera Me ["Interview with the Vampire" (soundtrack) 1994]

Nox Novacula - Sirens  [Feed the Fire, 2024
Peter Raeburn - Coming to Terms  [“Handling the Undead” (soundtrack) 2024]
Vision Video - Stay  [single, 2024]
The Cure - Lost  [The Cure, 2004]
Siouxsie & the Banshees - Bring Me the Head of the Preacher Man [Hyæna, 1984]
Vazum - Blush  [Western Violence, 2024]
ДК Енергетик (DK Energetyk) - Сонце  [Наживо. Касетний запис, 2024]
Seraphim Shock - Forever and Always  [single, 2024]
Mark Korven
- Plan Revealed / Tableau of Hell (exc.) / Cloister de St. Rita  [“The First Omen” (soundtrack) 2024]
Attic Eyes - First Class  [Attic Eyes, 2023]
Whiphouse - Evil  [Demo, 2024]
Xmal Deutschland - Mondlicht  [Tocsin, 1984]
Rosegarden Funeral Party - Embers  [From the Ashes, 2024]
Autumn - Catacombs  [single, 2024]
The March Violets - Hammer the Last Nail  [single, 2024]
Date At Midnight - Another Grace  [Another Grace, 2024]
Twin Tribes - Paradox  [Pendulum, 2024]
Astari Nite - What a Rainbow Feels Like  [Resolution of Happiness, 2024]
Clan of Xymox - Suffer (single version)  [X-Odus (EP) 2024]
С​к​у​б​у​т (Skubut) - Isceli Menya  [Pogranichnyi, 2024]
Esoterik - Hero  [single, 2024]
Grey Gallows - ΣΑΝ ΤΗ ΝΥΧΤΑ (San ti nychta)  [single, 2024]
Entertainment - Flesh (New Voice, Club Mix)  [single, 2024]
Kælan Mikla & Bardi Johannsson - By Death’s Door  [The Phantom Carriage, 2024]
Deceits - If There’s No Heaven  [If There’s No Heaven, 2023]
Past Self - Between the Marquees  [Die Cry Hate EP, 2023]
Saidan - Sick Abducted Purity  [Visual Kill: The Blossoming of Psychotic Depravity, 2024] [N]
Greve - Gudaföraktets Ton  [Naturmystik (split w/ Häxanu) 2024]
Hypocrisy - Fractured Millennium  [Hypocrisy, 1999]
Wolves in the Throne Room - Crown of Stone  [Crypt of Ancestral Knowledge, 2023]
Severoth - Sunrise Will Come  [By The Way Of Light, 2024]

[N] = Nashville (local) artist


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